Saturday, September 19, 2015

Crumbling from Within, and Without

Things have gotten much worse.

We have crumbled from within. Lacking foresight, courage, strength to maintain the traditions that have made this neighborhood so nice to live in. We've just been overrun and outgunned.

The local city councilman is a big, if unwitting, part of it. He's a good man, but he must have had to cut some deals to achieve his personal agenda. One deal was clearly with real estate developers. And he admits he is having a great time hobnobbing with big wigs all over the city. It looks as if he does a great job with the Ravenswood neighborhood, the LIC gold coast, libraries and schools among others. But developers, not so much.

The head of Phipps, who cordoned us off with Sunnyside Houses LLP, has convinced him he is a nice guy. During negotiations with the Phipps tenants' association he showed himself to be the slipperiest of slippery characters. His representatives said in court that the judges order to "pay" tenants who had proved the owners installed defective windows was incomprehensible to him. He didn't realize that "pay" meant give them money, he said.

You have to admit, they have some steel. People with law degrees, business degrees, manage millions of dollars state clearly and unequivocally in open court that they don't understand the meaning of the word "pay." That's breathtaking.